followfollow is a dance production based on the act of following and followers. It focuses on inspiring, copying and imitating. On fashion that appears, disappears and reappears. On conformity and countermovement. On selfies and the latest TikTok challenges. On likes and loves in the form of thumbs and hearts. On group dynamics and peer pressure. On following your heart and trying to be yourself in this contradictory world. On the quest for identity.
Choreographer and performer Koen De Preter has a long history with fABULEUS. Among other things he created the solo Les mots ... toujours les mots bien sûr (2004), the youth production .White.Muted.Crash. (2005) and the duet We dance to forget (2007) which toured for more than six seasons in eleven different countries.
For followfollow, his latest fABULEUS production, Koen works with a group of teenagers aged 13 to 21 years old.