english below
In 1959 start de jonge Todd Anderson (doorbraakrol van Ethan Hawke) zijn eerste schooljaar aan de Welton Academy, een elitaire kostschool voor jongens. Daar krijgt hij les van John Keating, de nieuwe leerkracht Engels. Keating introduceert ongewone, maar inspirerende doceertechnieken. Zijn doel is om van zijn leerlingen vrije denkers te maken. Keating wilt dat zijn studenten hun eigen plek in de wereld opeisen aan de hand van zelfexpressie, maar dat stuit de strenge schooldirecteur tegen de borst.
Robin Williams is perfect gecast als inspirerende docent, die zowel de kijker als zijn studenten overtuigt dat poëzie nog steeds veel levenslessen in pacht heeft. Regisseur Peter Weir koos ervoor om in chronologische volgorde te filmen om de groeiende band tussen de studenten en hun docent weer te geven. “Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary”, wijze woorden die Williams met zijn performance onsterfelijk maakte.
De film wordt vertoond op 35mm, met dank aan CINEMATEK!
DEAD POETS SOCIETY is onderdeel van onze focus rond acteerlegende ROBIN WILLIAMS.
The film is in English with Dutch and French subtitles
In 1959 the young Todd Anderson (breakthrough role of Ethan Hawke) starts his first year at the Welton Academy, an elite boarding school for boys. There, he is taught by John Keating, the new English teacher. Keating introduces unusual but inspiring teaching techniques. His aim is to teach his students to become free thinkers. Keating wants his students to claim their own places in the world by using self-expression, but this viewpoint does not align with the ideas of the strict principal.
Robin Williams is perfectly cast as the inspiring teacher, who convinces the audience and the students in the film of the fact that poetry still has a lot of life lessons to teach us. Director Peter Weir chose to film the scenes in chronological order to truthfully depict the growing bond between the students and their teacher. “Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary.”, wise words which have been immortalized by Williams’ unforgettable performance.
The film will be screened on 35mm, thanks to CINEMATEK!
DEAD POETS SOCIETY is part of our focus on acting legend ROBIN WILLIAMS.
Read more:
Dead Poets Society: 30 years on Robin Williams' stirring call to 'seize the day' endures - Luke Buckmaster, The Guardian