
Op 8 december 2023 zou Jim Morrison, de leadzanger van The Doors, 80 geworden zijn. Oliver Stones biopic geeft perfect de geest weer van Morrisons hypnotische muziek en decadente, nihilistische levensstijl.
Op 35mm, met dank aan CINEMATEK!
"The Doors is a thrilling spectacle - the King Kong of rock movies - featuring a starmaking, ball-of-fire performance by Val Kilmer as Morrison." - Rolling Stone
"It's one hell of a ride and a real, roaring rock movie." - Los Angeles Times
"The Doors is excessive, unsubtle, emotionally brutal and stylistically sadistic, but that's exactly right for the dark side of the sixties Morrison and his band embodied." - The Globe and Mail
Uitgelicht in ons programma door Niels Sabbe