Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, this edition of EXTD. cannot take place.
But postponement is not a cancellation: The integral programme will be shifted to Monday 24 March 2025.
Thank you for your understanding.
The in-depth lecture evening Grafixx EXTD. brings together several speakers from the field. Ahead of the festival, the 7 October program looks at the theme of ‘transmission’. Three duos who pass on knowledge to each other in their artistic practice share the stage: brother and sister Anton and Erika Cotteleer, befriended artists Benjamin Demeyere and Frank Wagemans, student Arthur Devisscher and lecturer Carla Swerts. Arm your mind for three inspiring talks around influencing and guiding in creative processes.
In her drawings, Carla Swerts explores the interaction between humans and their surroundings. She often takes a poetic and introspective approach, focusing on the fragility of existence. Arthur Devisscher’s prints are colourful and dynamic. While drawing, his stories unfold into images that pay tribute to nature and the animal kingdom.
Anton Cotteleer’s oeuvre transforms everyday elements into strange surrealistic objects, where he is interested in the relationship of humans and animals to the domestic biotope. Erika Cotteleer currently focuses mainly on autonomous work, celebrating the liberated woman and addressing themes of independence, desire and dark humour.
For Benjamin Demeyere, anything can be a trigger for painting. He finds the stories and details that inspire him in sources as diverse as pop culture, myths and comics. Frank Wagemans evolved from abstract painting to a more figurative approach. He searches for a meeting point between painting and sculpture.