english below
In COW staat Andrea Arnold stil bij de details van het leven van melkkoeien met de onverschrokken en empathische precisie die we uit haar ander werk kennen. Arnold wilde al jaren een documentaire maken over een dier en koos uiteindelijk voor de koe omdat ze hen het interessantste vond om naar te kijken. De filmmaker wilde de kijker dichter brengen bij haar onderwerp om zowel de schoonheid als de uitdaging van hun leven te zien op een authentieke manier met een ode aan de diensten die ze ons leveren. Arnold zei daarover “our relationship with the millions of non-human lives we use is very much part of our existence. I made COW to invite engagement with that.” De viersterren review in IndieWire beschrijft haar keuzes als pure cinema:
“It’s impossible to fully conceive of the world through the eyes of one animal, but COW gets much closer than any anthropomorphized Disney character ever could, with the kind of sound and image deep dive that the term “pure cinema” was invented to describe.”
Eric Kohn, IndieWire
Deze film is onderdeel van ons retrospectieve van ANDREA ARNOLD in de reeks SPOTLIGHT ON WOMXN DIRECTORS.
Lees meer:
Cow review - A silent portrait of life in captivity - Marina Ashioti, Little White Lies
The film is in English with Dutch and French subtitles
In COW, Andrea Arnold contemplates the details of the lives of milk cows with the fearless and empathetic precision we know from her other work. Arnold wanted to shoot a documentary about an animal and eventually chose the cow as subject because she finds them the most interesting to look at. The filmmaker wanted to bring the viewer closer to her subject to watch the beauty and the challenges of their lives in an authentic way with an ode to the services they render us. Arnold said about that: “our relationship with the millions of non-human lives we use is very much part of our existence. I made COW to invite engagement with that.” The four-star review in IndieWire describes her choices as pure cinema:
“It’s impossible to fully conceive of the world through the eyes of one animal, but COW gets much closer than any anthropomorphized Disney character ever could, with the kind of sound and image deep dive that the term “pure cinema” was invented to describe.”
Eric Kohn, IndieWire
This film is part of our retrospective on ANDREA ARNOLD in the programme SPOTLIGHT ON WOMXN DIRECTORS.